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Filtering materials

New. Effective. Available.


Get to know the benefits of our UgnCleanPellets® filtering material in all it’s varieties:

Managing director

Dipl.-Ing. environmental process engineering (FH)

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Filtering material

For effective exhaust air purification

All UGN exhaust air treatment systems are based on the UgnCleanPellets® filtering material by default (types: Basis, S 1.0, S 3.5, C 3.5). For special applications we can produce UgnCleanPellets® according to your requirements. We design the amount, type, and if needed, the mixture, of filtering material according to your specific process requirements. This guarantees

  • Perfect degree of purification
  • Long service life
  • Low operating costs
  • Top quality
  • Optimum availability
  • Maximum flexibility

UgnCleanPellets® Basis

Filtermaterial UgnCleanPellets® Basis, für den Abbau von Schadstoffen, Störstoffen und Geruchsstoffen, die Alternative zu Aktivkohle zur Abluftreinigung

For degradation of pollutants, impurities, and
odorous substances

Usage examples
Treatment of exhaust air from wastewater and industrial plants

Product description
Biologically reactive filtering material

Theory of operation
Pollutant breakdown by microorganisms


UgnCleanPellets® C 3.5

Filtermaterial UgnCleanPellets® C 3.5, für die Abtrennung von organischen Verbindungen und Mercaptanen, die Alternative zu Aktivkohle

For separation of organic compounds and mercaptans

Usage examples
Removal of various volatile organic carbon compounds and terpenes from exhaust air

Product description
Biologically-physically reactive filtering material containing 35 % activated carbon

Theory of peration
Physical binding of non- (or hardly) biodegradable exhaust air components followed by degradation of substances that are biologically present


UgnCleanPellets® S 1.0

Filtermaterial UgnCleanPellets® S 1.0, zur Abtrennung von schwefelhaltigen Verbindungen, die Alternative zu Aktivkohle zur Abluftreinigung

For separation of sulphuric compounds

Usage examples
Treatment of exhaust air from wastewater and industrial plants containing temporary or discontinuous loads or malodorous substances and pollutants

Product description
Biologically-chemically reactive filtering material containing 10 % iron oxide hydrate

Theory of operation
Chemical binding, and complete degradation, of malodorous substances and pollutants


UgnCleanPellets® S 3.5

Filtermaterial UgnCleanPellets® S 3.5, zur Abtrennung hoher und sehr hoher schwefelhaltiger Verbindungen, die Alternative zu Aktivkohle zur Abluftreinigung und Gasentschwefelung

For separation of compounds with high and very high sulphur content

Usage examples
Treatment of exhaust air from wastewater and industrial plants containing temporary or discontinuous loads or malodorous substances and pollutants with high peak loads

Product description
Biologically-chemically reactive filtering material containing 35 % iron oxide hydrate

Theory of operation
Chemical binding, and complete degradation, of malodorous substances and pollutants

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