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Partners & Networks

Organised. Cooperative. Effective.


Regardless of whether research & development, distribution or association work – our goal is, to use synergies
and to continously optimise our range of services for the
costumer’s benefit.

Managing director

Dipl.-Ing. environmental process engineering (FH)

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Global. Networked. Together

“Connections only damage those who do not have any”, as the saying goes.
We value reliable partnerships, collaborations with universities, and interdisciplinarian networks. Befitting our range of services, we are also represented in different associations and initiatives and/or work actively in these.

Distribution partners

By working with our contracting partners we are able to ensure quick and uncomplicated distribution. In this way, we are able to provide you with high product availability and good service at favourable terms.

What matters when it comes to the selection of our partners is the costumer’s specific problem. Add to this many years of collaboration and specialist competence.

Please find below an overview of our partners in alphabetical order:

ATE Corporation

Develops smart environmental technologies for water conservation and usage.

Product group:
Gas desulphurisation & Pellets

Distribution in:

Entec Deutschland

Distributes products for the municipal and civil engineering sector and supplies, among other things, cities and municipalities with environmentally friendly odor filters and closure systems, as well as a wide variety of building yard supplies.

Product group:
Filter & Tools
Exhaust Air Treatment Systems

Distribution in:

Göbel Energie- & Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Nationwide operating company for technical services of process plants in the field of energy and environmental technology.

Product group:
Gas desulphurisation & Pellets

Distribution in:

Huber Technology 

A global company in the sector of water treatment, wastewater treatment and sludge treatment

Product group:
Filter & Tools

Distribution in:
Germany, worldwide

PlanET Biogastechnik GmbH

Biogas pioneer PlanET has been one of the leading suppliers of biogas plants since 1998.

Product group:

Distribution in:

Axpo Services AG

Switzerland’s largest producer of renewable energy and an international leader in energy trading and the marketing of solar and wind power.

Product group:
Gas desulphurisation & Pellets

Distribution in:


Competent solution provider for water services, projects and operations such as water treatment plants and solutions for wastewater treatment plants for industries such as industry, oil, gas and tourism.

Product group:
Exhaust Air Treatment Systems
Gas desulphurisation

Distribution in:
Egypt, UAE

Hitachi Zosen INOVA (HZI)

Global leader in energy recovery from waste and as partner for engineering, procurement and construction (EPC).

Product group:
Gas desulphurisation & Pellets

Distribution in:
Switzerland, worldwide


Specialist in the coneption and implementation of sustainable solutions for energy production and environmental protection such as plants for water purification, wastewater treatment or for the production of biogas.

Product group:

Distribution in:
Italy, Greece

Peter W. Thielemann GmbH

P.W. Thielemann GmbH is engaged in the trade of chemicals based on iron and aluminum salts, which are required, among other things, for applications in the agricultural industry.

Product group:
Exhaust Air Treatment Systems
Gas desulphurisation

Distribution in:

BiogasPlus Systems B.V.

One of the leading organizations in the realization of biogas projects in the Benelux countries.

Product group:
Gas desulphurisation & Pellets

Distribution in:

Stach Handels GmbH

Partner for the distribution of products in the field of municipal and civil engineering as well as manhole and environmental technology.

Product group:
Filter & Tools
Exhaust Air Treatment Systems

Distribution in:

HTI Thüringen

As a technical wholesaler, offers a wide range of products related to gas, water, electrical and district heating supply, sewerage and road construction technology, plant engineering and tool technology.

Product group:
Filter & Tools

Distribution in:

LSH-Biotech Christian Dreyer

Constructs, plans and distributes high-end equipment for biogas plants worldwide.

Product group:
Exhaust Air Treatment Systems
Gas desulphurisation

Distribution in:


REHAU is the leading processor for plastics & polymer solutions in the fields of Water Management, Renewable Energies, Energy Efficiency, Future Mobility & Living.

Product group:
Filter & Tools

Distribution in:
Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden, worldwide

Research partners: univerisities & institutes

Please find below an overview of our research parners in alphabetical order:

  • Brandenburg Univerity of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
  • Ernst-Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena
  • Fraunhofer Institute of Wind Energy and Energy System Technology IWES
  • Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
  • Hof University of Applied Sciences
  • Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences
  • Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut Chemnitz (Saxonian textile research institute)
  • Tampere University of Technology → Finland
  • University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Networks & associations

Please find below an overview of our partners from networks and associations in alphabetical order:

  • Thuringia Sustainability Agreement (NAThüringen)
  • The German Association for Water, Wastewater
    and Waste (DWA).
  • Mechanical Engineering Industry Association
  • German Biogas Association
  • Environment Cluster Bavaria
  • “Municipal multi-energy meters” network
  • Biogas Forum Bavaria
  • East Thuringian Chamber of Commerce, Energy and
    Environmental Committee
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